Saturday, June 7, 2008

Pulse Percussion

so today we went over to allisons house and it was for our pulse percussion...pulse is our youth group...well when we got there non of us had our swimming suits because it was really bad outside and we didnt expect to go outside. well when it stopped rainingwe went out to play a little game of vollyball...didnt work ou tso well. after we gat out the slip-n-slide and we ended up going on it and we got our clothes soaked! after allisons dad turned the sprinklers on and we rotated around the yard running in them as they turned off and on... we went on the slip-n-slide with like 4 oother sprinklers going on it at the same time! it was great...then we went in the front and we all attempted to double doutch...we discovered that none off us could...but then we tied 3 giant ropes together and wee got everybody to jump in at the same time...some one always tripped...then we got out the frisbees and we played catch...some of us played goofy golf...the game with the golf balls on a short rope that you throw...but after that we went in and we were dancing to the chicken dance remix by the blue man group that was 4 minutes long like 5 times! then we went back out for a game of vollyball and then we went in and and we ate hotdags and watched some videos on youtube...then my sister came and they brought the trash cans and brooms and we went outside to play on them for a while. then we went out and actually played a civilized game of vollyball while it was raining...then we went in and were just hanging out until we left and dropped off kyle and ryan...then when we got home of course and then we ended up cleaning and then we started up the "fire" was just a plastic hersheys thing that warmed up you marshmallows...then we ended up picking out a movie and we watched the thief sister wante to watch some gay movie about some knight and some dragon was tied then chris took back his vote and it was 1 against 2 but rachel kept claiming that she was totally right and seh claimed we were being shelfish even though our votes was crazy...but now its time for me to watch our movie so gotta go!!!!!!!